
时间:2023-08-07 22:17:09



1. 电影《欢乐满人间》(Mary Poppins)

  It is 50 years since Mary Poppins appeared on cinema screens. The film presented a very particular view of middle-class family life, but have movies influenced how people think about parenting?

  Mary Poppins taught parents many things. Bedrooms are better tidied, every chore has its fun side and an organised day is a happy day. Poppins's strict-but-saccharine manner brought the unruly Jane and Michael Banks under control - she succeeded where their parents and numerous lesser nannies could n ……此处隐藏1205个字……wer handle his seven unruly children. With magic and discipline she transforms their lives, changing herself in the process。

  Jack and Sarah (1995) - Richard E Grant's Jack is a widower, after his partner dies in childbirth. Grief-stricken, he goes off the rails, until he eventually faces his parental duties with help from nanny Amy。

  The Nanny Diaries (2007) - Shock. No widow or widower. Scarlett Johansson is a nanny for a rich family in which the son is neglected. Despite getting fired, she transforms the lives of the child and wife。


  《保姆先生》(Mr Nanny)(1993年):霍克•霍肯(Hulk Hogan)在剧中扮演两位淘气顽童的保镖兼保姆,他们的单亲父亲经常心烦意乱并且常常不在孩子身边,所以孩子变得很没规矩。其中包括饰演坏人盗取电脑微芯片。

